Wednesday, June 13, 2012


Circles in Nature

Terminology (alphabetical order):
2-Dimensional: flat surface defined by length and width
3-Dimensional: defined by length, width, and height making it an object
Background: the area/objects far or further away.
Foreground: the area closest to you.
Mass: An apparent object with an indefinite shape.
Negative Space: the space in the back 
Pattern: A consistent configuration creating a design
Perspective: The viewpoint.
Positive Space: Primary subject matter or space that is filled with lines, design, etc.
Shape: The outline or silhouette of a form
Space: The area in which to work that can bring forward or send backward an object.
Texture: The physical characteristic of a surface.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Design & Definition with Nature

I have exported five out of thirty-six of my experiments and included a short definition/principle as well as a scene from nature I found that seemed to directly relate. -still working out blog design kinks-

 Terminology (Alphabetical order):
1-Asymmetrical: irregular due to a lack of equal balance;not symmetrical; unequal.
2-Background: the area/objects far or further away.
3-Balance: The distribution of tensity either symmetrically, asymmetrically, or mosaic (overall). Balance conveys an overall pattern or idea rather than have a subject.
4-Chroma: the strength of a color, can be saturated or unsaturated, not to be confused with color value (brighntess) or hue (see # 10).
5-Composition: A collaboration of art elements to form a complete idea.
6-Dominance: To take control and add an emphasis in an elevated position.
7-Contrast: The observation of the differences between two objects, fields, lines, space, etc.
8-Field: The designated area for art.
9-Foreground: the area closest to you.
10-Frame: The border.
11-Grid: A field of parallel lines that perpendicularly intersects other parallel lines in the field at a ninety degree angle; can be vertical & horizontal or diagonal)They help organize.
12-Hue: the shade or tint of a color.
13-Line: A mark or stroke.
14-Negative Space: the space in the back 
15-Pattern: A consistent configuration creating a design.
16-Perspective: The viewpoint.
17-Plane: A flat area with the ability to show two-dimensional space and extension.
18-Point: A mark, point, or dot.
19-Positive Space:  Primary subject matter or space that is filled with lines, design, etc.
20-Relief: A third-dimensional projection appearance.
21-Repetition: A reproduction or reiteration or something that was done over and over.
22-Rhythm: Patterned elements or motif.
23-Shape: The outline or silhouette of a form
24-Scale: The proportional size or ratio of the artwork.
25-Space: the area in which to work that can bring forward or send backward an object.
26-Symmetrical: An equal field that directly reflects a duplicate image of the opposite side(s) either vertically, horizontally, or both (vertically in this example).
27-Texture: The physical characteristic of a surface.
28-Value: The brightness of a color from light to dark.
29-Volume: The magnitude of fullness or intensity
30-White Space: the chunks of area that lack all color.

Monday, June 11, 2012

I am establishing an art blog for my Foundations of Design course at Wichita State University taught by Sarah Kephart.  I hope to expand my knowledge of the key structures for designing new artworks by going back to the basics and really focusing on those building blocks as well as correlating these designs to images found in nature or our everyday life.

100 Lines

100 Lines

100 Lines

For our first assignments, we were encouraged to explore various directions, styles, weights, and balance of lines from straight parallel lines that interval beyond the board to wavy lines with intervals within the perimeters and everything in between. In this portion displayed, we were assigned to create around 100 lines within a 5X5" sqaure. Working with an extra fine point Sharpie was difficult for me but the final design was conveyed easily. After our first experiments with line, we were asked to observe how line patterns appear in nature, so for my nature, I made a chaotic collage of various line patterns.