Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Design & Definition with Nature

I have exported five out of thirty-six of my experiments and included a short definition/principle as well as a scene from nature I found that seemed to directly relate. -still working out blog design kinks-

 Terminology (Alphabetical order):
1-Asymmetrical: irregular due to a lack of equal balance;not symmetrical; unequal.
2-Background: the area/objects far or further away.
3-Balance: The distribution of tensity either symmetrically, asymmetrically, or mosaic (overall). Balance conveys an overall pattern or idea rather than have a subject.
4-Chroma: the strength of a color, can be saturated or unsaturated, not to be confused with color value (brighntess) or hue (see # 10).
5-Composition: A collaboration of art elements to form a complete idea.
6-Dominance: To take control and add an emphasis in an elevated position.
7-Contrast: The observation of the differences between two objects, fields, lines, space, etc.
8-Field: The designated area for art.
9-Foreground: the area closest to you.
10-Frame: The border.
11-Grid: A field of parallel lines that perpendicularly intersects other parallel lines in the field at a ninety degree angle; can be vertical & horizontal or diagonal)They help organize.
12-Hue: the shade or tint of a color.
13-Line: A mark or stroke.
14-Negative Space: the space in the back 
15-Pattern: A consistent configuration creating a design.
16-Perspective: The viewpoint.
17-Plane: A flat area with the ability to show two-dimensional space and extension.
18-Point: A mark, point, or dot.
19-Positive Space:  Primary subject matter or space that is filled with lines, design, etc.
20-Relief: A third-dimensional projection appearance.
21-Repetition: A reproduction or reiteration or something that was done over and over.
22-Rhythm: Patterned elements or motif.
23-Shape: The outline or silhouette of a form
24-Scale: The proportional size or ratio of the artwork.
25-Space: the area in which to work that can bring forward or send backward an object.
26-Symmetrical: An equal field that directly reflects a duplicate image of the opposite side(s) either vertically, horizontally, or both (vertically in this example).
27-Texture: The physical characteristic of a surface.
28-Value: The brightness of a color from light to dark.
29-Volume: The magnitude of fullness or intensity
30-White Space: the chunks of area that lack all color.

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